"What Church are you with?"
"What church are you with?"
"No, I mean, what denomination?"
"Christian. We just call ourselves Christians."
What is a "Christian" church?
- Christ-Centered
- We believe that Christ is the Head of the Church
- The New Testament is Rule
- We use the New Testament as our rule of faith and practice.
- A "Restoration Church"
- We follow the New Testament where possible.
- We are "Independent" or Elder driven.
- We believe in baptism by immersion.
- We celebrate the Lord's Supper weekly.
- An emphasis on Christian "Unity"
- We believe that we are not the only Christians, but we are Christians only.
- We strive for "in essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things love."
- Theological Convictions
- We are conservative evangelicals.
- We emphasize "free will."
"How do you determine what a 'church' should be?"
"The only way to determine what the church should be and how Christians should behave is to study the New Testament documents in which the churches of Christ are presented in splendor - and in shortcomings. While there is no single church that we should imitate, the ideal of the church as the body of Christ, the household of faith, the temple of the Holy Spirit, and the people of God is clearly pictured."
Leroy Lawson, What Kind of Church Is This?