What is capABLE Ministry?
Oftentimes, those in our community who have disabilities are viewed as different, even less than others, due to their disabilities. But we see them as important, as Jesus saw them as capABLE, even indispensable!
"On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable." - 1 Corinthians 12.22.
Founded on the conviction that all of us are created in the image of God and that we all have the need to be in a relationship with Him. We see those with disabilities as capABLE, as having Abilities Beyond Life's Expectations.
Our vision is that all people, regardless of their ability, would have the opportunity to come to know Jesus and to be a part of a church family. Our desire is to reach out to those affected by disability and create a church culture where they can use their God-given talents and abilities to make a positive impact in the Kingdom's Work. We are all one family at God's table, and we want to invite you to have a seat at the table!
Worship with us Sunday mornings at 11am in the Student Worship Center.
All services are sensory friendly!
For questions regarding our capABLE Ministry or to volunteer, contact Carol Ann Morrison, capABLE Minister, at [email protected].