CapCity Serves

Working together towards a purpose that is way bigger than serving ourselves.

"All of you together are Christ's body, and each of you is a separate and necessary part of it." 1 Corinthians 12.27

Summer Service Projects


  • This June CapCity is collecting new stuffed animals for local First Responders.
  • All donations can be dropped off Sunday mornings at the Welcome Hub or Mon - Friday, between 8am - 4pm, in the main office.
  • The deadline for donations is Sunday, June 30.


  • This July, CapCity is collecting new shoes for "Turning Bare Feet into Learning Feet."
  • New shoes only. Please, no flip-flops.
  • All donations can be dropped off Sunday mornings at the Welcome Hub or Mon - Friday, between 8am - 4pm, in the main office.
  • The deadline for donations is Wednesday, July 31.

The program provides shoes free of charge to kids in Frankfort/Franklin County for the first day of school. Find out more about "Turning Bare Feet into Learning Feet" here or contact Jon Sutphin, Executive Minister, at [email protected].


  • This August, CapCity is collecting school supplies for local schools.
  • All donations can be dropped off Sunday mornings at the Welcome Hub or Mon - Friday, between 8am - 4pm, in the main office.
  • The deadline for donations is Sunday, August 25.

For more information about CapCity Serves, contact Ben Webb, Associate Minister, at [email protected].