Worship, Connect, Grow, and Serve

Christ-Driven, 24/7 is more than a Mission Statement.

We believe God calls us to a deeper life beyond an hour a week. To become Christ-Driven, 24/7 Jesus followers, we must be in a relationship with Him and spend time worshipping, connecting, growing, and serving. We challenge everyone in our #capcityfam to make time for all four of these things each week.

  • Worship

We gather each week as a #capcityfam to worship our God. We want our daily lives to reflect our worship, but on Sundays, we gather as a family to give thanks and praise Him for all that he has done.

  • Connect

We were not made to do life alone. Life Groups are one way that we connect with each other and "do life together." As we follow Christ together, friendships emerge, and true discipleship occurs. It's more than a Sunday thing; it is a way of life.

  • Grow

We believe God calls us to a deeper life with Him that goes beyond an hour a week. We offer a variety of Groups where our #capcityfam can grow in faith and support others as they do the same.

  • Serve

God created us on purpose, for a purpose, and that purpose is way bigger than serving ourselves; it is to serve God and to serve others.