The Why
Our Generous Buckets are not part of our regular weekly offering or our budget. Generous Bucket monies are used to help a family member, a member of our community, or an organization in our community or beyond that have a financial need. We have a team that looks at circumstances/requests and distributes monies as as needed.
Generous Bucket Breakdown
updated: Jan 25, 2023
Income: $115,623.59
Expenses: $114,686.14
Non-Profit Groups: $7,343.83
Community Needs: $34,297.58
Eastern Ky Flood Assistance: $24,256.30
Haiti Relief: $36,186.11
Lifeline Missions: $9,067.50
Help Build Hope: $3,534.82
For more information about the Generous Bucket, contact our Executive Minister, Jon Sutphin, at [email protected].

update - September 2023
Dear Friend,
Thank you for being a part of our efforts in Eastern Kentucky - Appalachia field. It is amazing to be the hands and feet of Christ through the last 17 years of service there especially as the people we love have experienced the impacts of three years of flooding.
I am saddened to report that the flooding we experienced in July of 2022 has had a great impact on the building we serve out of in Floyd County. The lunchroom or Gathering Place where the kitchen and space where we stage our outreach events and worship times is in need to have all the flooring replaced. We had hope to do it in sections. However, it deteriorated rapidly at the end of the summer. We had to severely limit its use. It has been determined that all the floor joists, sub flooring and finish flooring must be pulled out and replaced before we can safely use the facility with any additional groups. As you can imagine this severely hampers the outreach ministry, we are there to do.
We estimate the costs to be $14,000. We will seek to do as much as possible with our volunteers for demo and what we can do. However, the scale of building requires skilled labor.
We want to quickly complete this project to concentrate on what we love to do and what we do best which is to reach out to the community with the love of Christ. Will you please make a one- time gift to get this problem behind us?
We love our work and the people we serve in Appalachia. You have been a huge part of that. We are grateful to serve with you.
CJ, Hayley and Tim
CrossRoads Missions | 3231 Ruckreigel Parkway, Suite 111, Louisville, KY 40299
Do you know of a need?
Do you know of an opportunity for Capital City to extend generosity? If you know someone or a local group or organization who is struggling and could use the help our Generous Bucket provides, please let us know.
*Please provide information on the situation and a way to contact them.